#من_شعب #البحرين Where are #Hrw human rights #Bahrain

Khalid Ali student at the University of Bahrain recalls attempt to kill him by the groups subversive violated campus and lists the tragic facts presented at the University of Bahrain on March 13, 2011


This this story of #khalidalsardi who was brutally attacked by #14Feb “peaceful protestor" on #13March at the #UOB of #Bahrain
At 13 March last year, I went to the university as usual. I never came to my mind that I am going to face death in that day. Demonstration started in the morning at the UOB and the protestors started attacking students & harassing female students. We tried to protect the female student, as 14Feb thugs started to throw stones, so we went to one of the building and I volunteer to watch from the roof. Few minutes later, 14Feb rioters surrounded and attacked the building. I have seen buses bringing more rioters carrying weapons. Hearing my colleagues’ screams, watching windows and door breakage by 14Feb thugs, and the huge number of thugs attacking the college with their weapons, make the image unbearably frighten. I really felt insecure. Five minutes later, 14Feb reached the roof where I was. They attacked me brutally. I was beaten by huge number of rioters. I was hit, beaten and kicked. The tutored continued & continued; I couldn't move nor defend myself. I felt drowsy, giddy & numb in all my body. I felt severe headache that I wished to loss conscious. They ordered me to move down the stairs. I tried, but could not; they threaten me to be thrown from the roof. I was pulled down the stairs while beating continued. Finally I reached down. When I have seen the ambulance, I thought at last I could relax. However, they continued their brutal attacks on me even when I on ambulance trolley. Finally, I entered the ambulance and the door closed. I thought it over, I could relax, but the nurse begins to verbally assaulting me. My body was covered by blood, felt severe pain all over my body and intensely traumatized. I beg the nurse to take me to BDF hospital. When she notices my body shivering, she thought I am dying. Once I reached BDF, I lost my consciousness. These are my photos:
1. http://t.co/CnmdcgWp
2. http://t.co/1DnbOjsV
3. http://t.co/WFWGE1lN
4. http://t.co/RXKM24dt
I could not believe I am still alive. 13 March could be the last day in my life.


